How can I stay healthy and strong during summer?

Lulu med kasket i Singapore

Summer is here and what a joy it is! With longer days by the sea, with summer dresses, less stress, gatherings with drinks and barbecues with your friends and family. 

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.”

- Wallace Stevens

Hang on - how can you stay healthy, strong and flourishing when you eat and drink more than normal? Are you, in fact, also struggling with some “corona-kilos”? And are those kilos starting to annoy you?

I was at a small party recently and everybody was talking about “corona-kilos” and honestly… I can totally relate. But hey, we just survived a pandemic! Even though I eat healthily and do my exercise, I am in reality not in my best shape, due to many factors - remember, health is holistic! 

So, how can I stay healthy and re-charged during the summer, when my mind is set to holiday mode? I’m only just coming out of my “corona-coma”! What should I do?

These are the questions I asked myself the other day, and here are my conclusions and goal settings for the summer. 

Before going out for a barbecue or festive events, I will start my morning with a green smoothie to start the day off with a healthy meal, satisfying every cell in your body. 

Like this on:

If you don’t use protein powder in your smoothie, make sure you add another protein source to your breakfast, to keep you full and satisfied. You could also boil 2 eggs, which is a super easy way to add protein to your meal. 

Furthermore, I will make sure I've had a good, healthy sized protein, around the size of my palm, with every meal. Additionally, I’ll make sure that ½ my plate is covered with greens, then add 1-2 tablespoons of healthy fat, like virgin olive oil, ¼ of an avocado or a few nuts. 

Then, I will drink a big glass of water 30 minutes before my meal, in order to avoid unwanted cravings, and let the digestive system do its work, without being “disturbed” by loads of water during the meal. Another great tip is to eat slowly and chew your food; chew every single bite and enjoy the food instead of inhaling it!

When going out and having drinks, at parties or other events, I would suggest keeping it to a minimum with alcoholic and sugary drinks. One trick I have used is going to the bar and asking for sparkling water in a stylish glass, and then have them add a lemon or lime as well. By doing this, it will look like you are having a drink, and you won’t get all the annoying questions like “why are you not drinking’, etc.

So far so good! Now we have got our eating and drinking covered. But how about sleep and rest?

Well, in general it is best to stick to the same routine daily, like going to bed early and waking up at the same time as usual. However, that is just not realistic during your holiday. 

How about a nap? Yeah, I’m all in for naps during holidays and weekends! My best advice here is to rest for a maximum of 20 minutes. I often find that if I sleep for 1 hour, I will have a lot of trouble falling asleep. 

                                        “A nap is always a good idea”

Summer is a great time to start moving and to get into a new exercise routine. Check out your local newspaper, or look around your neighbourhood for new gyms, or even consider outdoor exercise. 

Hopefully, now I have got you covered for a healthy summer ;-) 

Remember that it's not what you do occasionally that counts, it's what you do daily. You won't damage your health, body, mind and soul by going out to party sometimes! Though, if you have a high daily intake of sugary drinks, processed food, smoke, alcohol, or lack of exercise and positivity in your life - well then my dear, it's time to re-think what your goals in your life are. Ouch, was that too harsh? I hope not ;-)

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Sending you loads of positive energy and healing vibes.

Untill next time, stay safe, keep a distance, show some love…and wash your hands!

Your Health Coach



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