Sweet cravings
Sweet cravings
Fall is slowly approaching and it's often quite normal that we then start to crave sweet food. The weather starts getting cooler, and we will begin to spend more time inside and might see a fall in our energy level. You might also notice that you during summer possibly had a bit too much wine, barbecue, and ice creams, and thereby now have started to get sweet cravings.
Almost everyone craves sweets. There can be hormonal changes during the month, high-stress level, “bad'' habit you gained during summer, or simply you just have a sweet tooth. So rather than depending on processed sugar to satisfy cravings, add naturally sweet foods and herbs to your daily diet to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Cravings bring important messages from your body to you. So do listen carefully when you get cravings! What is your body telling you? Do you need to slow down? Did you eat food that no longer serves you? Or are you simply just tired?
Sweet vegetables soothe the internal organs of the body and energize the mind. And because many of these vegetables are root vegetables, they are energetically grounding, which helps to balance out the spaciness people often feel after eating processed food and unhealthy foods. Adding in sweet vegetables helps to crowd out less healthy foods in the diet. Crowding out is a term used by health coaching and it simply means, that when you add more healthy food in your diet, you will begin to cut out the unhealthy food you might be eating. More on this topic and cravings you will find on this link to my website:
Here are some examples of sweet vegetables and fruits to help your sweet tooth.
Corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and onion. You might be thinking onion? That's not a sweet vegetable but, if you cook the onion in the oven, the taste will become sweet. A lot of vegetables will become sweeter when you cook them in the oven. You can also add different spices to help you with your sweet cravings. Have you ever tried sweet potatoes in the oven? Then adding a little coconut oil and cinnamon on the sweet potatoes, when you take them out of the oven? It's an amazingly sweet, grounding, and satisfying taste and feels when you eat them like this.
Link to sweet vegetables in the oven:
Fruits can also be very helpful in balancing the sweet tooth. Some fruits contain more sugar than others, but they are still a healthier alternative to processed foods like candy and white sugar. I love adding frozen berries to my smoothies in the mornings or fresh berries as a light snack, during the day.
Or how about my delicious healthy kid-friendly Chocolate bites?
So, what is the first step you can do today to help your sweet cravings? I would love to hear from you, so do feel free to leave a comment below.
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Lulu Bechgaard
CIDESCO Beauty Therapist, IIN Health Coach, Holistic Aromatherapist 🍒🍒 Beauty Chef ❤️ Face Yoga Teacher
+852 9154 1570