Lulu’s 10 golden rules to becoming a more happy, energetic and healthy mum.
15 years ago I was walking up the stairs to my home and I was pregnant, tired, bloated and exhausted with my second child. While I was walking up the stairs I remember I stopped because I was feeling so heavy and exhausted and I gave my self a promise on this day: I promised myself that I would not become overweight because the thought of not being able to climb these stairs was just unbearable. The thought of becoming overweight and being unhealthy, unfit and in high risk of becoming sick. I wanted to be healthier, happier and have more energy; I wished to be a fit mum who was able to run up the stairs with my kids whenever I needed to. So here starts my journey on how I became a healthier mum. I had already invested in an exercise bike and put it in my living room however I didn’t use it much so that was step 1. Sometimes, health comes before your chores; even though there is laundry on the sofa and dirty dishes, exercise comes first. This bike was a really good investment and I kept it for many years. Don’t get me wrong; I found it strange to have a bike in the living room too but it is worth it. Over the years I improved my health using these 10 tips:
Lulu’s 10 golden rules to becoming a more happy, energetic and healthy mum:
1. Move your booty more often. A lot of people today lead sedentary lives, they may have jobs where they have to sit at a computer all day. I keep a yoga mat and dumbbells under my desk at home as a reminder to use them. Whenever I have a little break I get them out and use them. Or even better, use your lunch break to go for a walk! Remember moving will give you energy. It’s a total win!
2. Add greens to ALL your meals.
3. Prioritize your sleep; the last thing you want to feel is a lazy, tired mum, which will lead to comfort eating. For those maths people out there, mum+no sleep = bad day.
4. Use a weekly meal planner.
5. Devise a weekly exercise plan to help you get into the routine.
6. Eat a range of superfoods and add a vitamin pill to your diet to make sure you get the right foods and nutrition for you and your loved ones.
7. Get your primary ‘foods’ in balance. What do I mean by primary foods? Primary foods are not actual foods but everything else going on in your life outside your plate: your energy level, your joy, work, exercise, finance, relationships, social life, etc. This is the key foundation to your health! If your primary ‘foods’ are balanced your health will gradually improve. I know it sounds hard but I know you can do this.
8. I know that different foods and health tips are good for different people but for me, it helps to have 6 super healthy days and 1 day with less healthy food. I would recommend trying this; you never know, it might change your overall health!
9. Take a chill pill. Have a weekly, daily break where you do absolutely nothing.
10. Be kind and patient with yourself. Show yourself some LOVE by adding in the most important vitamin: vitamin L (love).
Lulu Bechgaard
CIDESCO Beauty Therapist, IIN Health Coach, Holistic Aromatherapist 🍒🍒 Beauty Chef ❤️ Face Yoga Teacher
+852 9154 1570