My husband got fired!
My Husband got fired!
At 8 AM the email came... they were all fired. After 15 years in an amazing company, with 3 months notice, it was all over. We will now have to leave Hong Kong. The place we have called our home for the past 15 years, the dear friends, beautiful country and safe haven for our kids, was no longer ours to keep but will remain in our hearts forever.
So you may be wondering what I’ve been doing to stay sane since then?
The first couple of days are a total blur of crying, comforting, laughing, planning, and then re-planning again. Living in a pandemic, none of us knows what tomorrow will bring and let’s face it, we are so done with this, and we are all corona fatigued. But like I’ve mentioned many times the last couple of months, we need to keep moving and make plans, and be willing to change these plans, even if it’s right after we’ve made them.
When you are in a state of shock and anxiety, you might ‘just’ want to overindulge in lots of junk food and loads of alcohol, because you are exhausted, and not sleeping enough. But you also know that the next morning, you will wake up feeling lethargic and awful, having no energy for the day ahead. So, what can you do when your whole world comes tumbling down? Here are 10 ‘baby-steps’ towards a healthier mindset, with just small, simple tips to incorporate into your lifestyle.
1.Make a daily schedule with 1-2 things that you promise to commit to daily. By committing to doing these small, simple tasks every day, you will know that at least if everything else fails and changes, these things will remain the same. It can be anything as simple as a small gesture to yourself, like having a cup of coffee or looking out the window for five minutes.
2.Move around! Most phones today have an app that will help keep track of how many steps you are taking a day. Our minds and bodies don’t function well if we do not move around. Aiming for 10000 steps a day is often recommended.
3.Make a food plan for the week, and make double batches to store some in your freezer. Then, if your plans are suddenly changed, you will at least know that you have some leftovers to eat in the freezer.
4.Start your morning with a healthy meal, like whole-grain bread with avocado or nut butter, an omelette with veggies, a green smoothie, yoghurt with berries and homemade granola, or some lovely warm whole-grain porridge. PS: for inspiration, I post lots of ideas for my food on Instagram. Have a look here:
5 .Drink hot water throughout the day. This not only helps with cravings and hunger but is a brilliant beauty tip to keep your body, mind and skin hydrated. It will help your skin glow, even if you’re not feeling that great.
6. Face yoga! Have you ever tried it? It’s an excellent way of de-stressing the mind, releasing tension in the face, and an all-around natural anti-ageing ‘exercise’ to do daily. It only takes a few minutes. Read more about this on my website:
7.Try 10-20 minutes of yoga daily. It’s my absolute go-to exercise, perfect when you are feeling stressed out.
8Meditation. The first thing I do in the morning is to meditate, simply going to youtube and listening to a 10-minute meditation before I do anything else.
9.Find a support group, or call your friends (the best support group you have!). Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to reach out to people; you’ll find that you’re not alone in this.
10.Listen to yourself; your body and mind. Allow yourself to relax, but remember to respect your body and mind. Listen, and you will find what is healthy for you, at this given moment. Always aim to prioritise your health, but remember not to be too hard on yourself; after all, we are going through a worldwide pandemic. The best is yet to come.
Did you find this blog helpful? Then please forward it to a friend in need 😉 Remember, sharing is caring.
Until next time, stay safe, keep a distance, show some love… and wash your hands!