10 ways to stay healthy during a lockdown
10 ways to stay healthy during a lockdown
OMG, can you believe that we are still struggling with Corona? I am so fed up with it, how about you?
At the beginning of the year, most of us set big health goals, but honestly, this January is a bit special and I feel that small health goals would be more realistic.
So I’ve been observing my clients, community and friends and I am so impressed by how many have managed to keep their exercise routine up. But I am also a realist and know that this doesn’t apply for everyone.
I am normally a gym bunny and I love going to the gym, but it’s been closed almost all of 2020, so I’ve had to find an alternative and cheaper option. The weather in Hong Kong can also be quite challenging, so it’s not all year that it will work for me to do exercise outside, but one of the things that I have started to do, is to go for very long walks. I also have friends that ran around their dining tables, during the strict lockdowns in the spring.
It still amazes me how well we can all adapt to our changed situation and learn that there is always more than one option.
This also goes for your general physical and mental health.
Unfortunately, it still looks like many countries are under lockdown and very strict restrictions, so how can you stay healthy then?
I think we are all very exhausted and tired of this situation, so I will give you 10 easy healthy tips
By all means, I love the idea, that you may want to set your bar high, but for now, I’ll give you 10 easy ones:
Drink water. It’s one of the easiest and cheapest ways to stay healthy. It will not only help cut sweet cravings and hunger, but it will also hydrate your body and skin. In Hong Kong, we often drink boiled, lukewarm water. It’s believed to have many health benefits and one of them is actually, that it will help your organs work better - and it’s good for your skin too.
Make a weekly food planner. I know I mention this one often, but you know it works! It will save you time and you will go to the supermarket less (then you are also not exposed to other people as much - another benefit during this pandemic). You will have no food waste, it will be easier to be healthy and you will save money!
Cook once, eat twice! So what do I mean by this? Well, you cook double batches and you can either eat the same for 2 days or put half in the freezer. It’s excellent to have that extra portion of food for busy days.
Add in greens. It’s the easiest way to start your health journey. Visualize your plate before every meal, then think of greens, that you can add to that meal. (When you are writing your weekly food planner, add greens to your shopping list).
Selfcare: 2020 was an extreme year for everybody since corona affected us all on many levels. Hence, self-care is not about being selfish. It’s about getting some me-time where you can hear and feel your body and mind again. Therefore, self-care is very important because it can help you back in balance again. For this reason, you may want to schedule in some self-care.
Meditation or finding something that can spark your spirituality: Doing yoga, taking naps or other “activity”, that can make your body and mind relax, can be highly beneficial to do, to recover during and after this pandemic.
Exercise: There are many kinds of exercises you can do. You need to find one that gives you energy and makes you feel good. You might not feel that great doing it, but you know you will after. There are loads of free exercises online, that you can do. Pick one or two and write down the time and days in your calendar, when you will do the exercise (you can even ask a friend to join you online, so you guys can motivate each other).
Social time. Well, this is a tricky one during a pandemic. However, there is Facetime, Skype, Zoom and so many other ways you can meet up, without being together physically. Make weekly online coffee meetings and play online games like “Wordfeud”. By doing this, you won’t feel so lonely.
Joy: Feeling a bit blue during the pandemic? What is one small thing you can do daily or weekly that can bring you joy?
Schedule everything on this list in your calendar.
Honestly, there is no way around this!
If you do not schedule a time to make the food planner, make your shopping list, write down when, where and what kind of exercise you will do, when you will be “meeting” friends, do your self-care routine, then my dear… it will not happen! Write it down, plan ahead and then it will happen.
Did you find this blog helpful? Then please forward it to a friend in need 😉 Remember, sharing is caring.
Until next time, stay safe, keep a distance, show some love… and wash your hands!
CIDESCO Beauty Therapist, IIN Health Coach, Holistic Aromatherapist
🍒🍒 Beauty Chef ❤️ Face Yoga Teacher
+852 9154 1570